Monday, June 1, 2009

Pet Peeves

We all have 'em. I was considering my own, as well as ruminating over the obvious ones. Most of us "hate when he leaves the toilet lid up", and are frustrated when "people cut in front of me in line". But what else? What really irritates you about people and their habits ? When do you find yourself cursing under your breath or snorting in disdain?
Let's get started, and in no particular order.
Okay how bout this one? You are minding your own business, eating, vacuuming, reading, whatever.The phone rings. You pick it up and through the receiver a stranger asks, "who is this?" Hmmmm. You called me. This is MY house. I own this phone, and you made me come pick this thing up, to have you ask WHO I AM??For the love of Pete, I don't even use this line! I should be asking you this question!

Here's another. At the grocery store, you like to keep a low profile. Pretty much cloaked in your all time low, parenthetical duds, a unique individual in line trys to make conversation with this cliffhanger: "Can you believe mucka mucka Democrats mucka mucka Abortion, mucka mucka Religious Freaks mucka mucka Atom bomb mucka mucka N.A.R.A.L mucka mucka Gay Marriage mucka mucka Global Warming?" Okay... I can hardly peel away the layers on this colossal blotch. First of all, WHAT have you been reading/watching? And second, why did I get picked? I'm obviously wearing a hat and sweats! And then there's the content. WAY too much topic for the grocery store. Last but certainly not least, you assume I agree with you. This presents a particularly cumbersome state of affairs. In essence I am pressured to feign concurr, so I may at least restore some order to the situation, otherwise you have now thrown down the gauntlet. Be careful matey. I think you might come to see that people and opinions, political affiliations, moral compai (I'm trying out a new plural for compass), come in all shapes and sizes, and are not necessarily what you expect. In fact I could school you my friend.

Another misstep: "seen" As in: "Oh yeah, I 'seen' him over there. He was smoking a cigarette by the minute market" You may as well be smoking that cigarette, guzzlin' a fourty ouncer in a wife beater under the trailer awning with that grammar.

I'll top the list off with one more. You know the type. They walk into the bank, store, or restaurant and from that point on, you will never forget. Why? Well because they make sure you don't, what, with all their yammerin about this and that, talking to or about anyone anything, all in that very LOUD voice. That's right. you get to hear every thought that pops in and out of their head. Stuff like "HEY, DIDN'T THERE USED TO BE A DRINKING FOUNTAIN HERE?" or "HOLY CRAP, I WOULDN'T BE CAUGHT DEAD IN THAT." Yeah. You know what I call that? An "out of living room experience". These are the people who put their feet up anywhere, like they would in their own living room.

And there's plenty more from where that came. Comments are welcome.

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